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Whelping/Tail Dock Video

Yorkie Whelping, Tail Docking Video with Dew Claw Removal

Caution contents are not for the weak at heart contents are abit graphic.

This is an an awesome video to watch to learn how to dock tails and remove dew claws. You can also see an actual whelping happen live. This is exactly how I do the dew claws but I don't do it on the 3rd day with the tiny ones it depends on the puppy and how big they are. If they are normal size I do it on the 4th day because they don't have any plasma in there blood until then so it can clot properly. How far to cut the tails I look underneath and I go a little bit (1/4 to 1/8th inch) after the light brown for the actual docking. As far as the deliver goes well we all do that our own way I don't swing the puppy like that I use the nasal asperator to clean out the puppies nose but when I do have a need to swing them your supposed to go down fast and up slowly, so you don't put any fluid you cleared out of the puppy by swinging down when you come back up to fast.  I also don't clamp the ambilical cord until I get the puppy all the way out with the after birth. I don't use quick stop everyone has their own method that works best for them.  I just leave the clamp on for a few minutes, but some people do use unwaxed dental floss to tie the cords off. You will find what works best for you.  I hope you enjoy this video and find it very helpful!


The author of this video has given me permission to use it on my website.

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