Nemo goes home with his new little friend Jake |
Nichole and Abaham puppy |
Higgins goes home with his new mommy Lori to WY |
Alice and Loukie puppy |
Natasha goes home with her new Mommy Bonnie to ND |
Eva and Abraham puppy |
Kenzie in her new home in WA with Christy |
Alexandria and Lewie female |
The morkies go home to Arlington SD |
With their new mom Tara |
Ivette and her new babies in NY |
Fantasia and Lewie female and Lexi and Mikey male |
Pia lives with Tanya in NY |
Shiloh Jr. and Nichole female puppy |
Kassidy and Moose go home to Brookings SD |
Bronx and Colby go home to NE with Joe and Mike |
Rudder go to his new home in Maine with Michele |
Brady goes to his new home in Canada with Stacy |
Hope is happily living in Watertown with Catie |
Alison and Ziggy puppy |
Bandit with his new Mom Brylie in LA Xmas Day |
Kallie's living Happily in her new home in Maine |
Abby and Lewie female |
Valentino with his new mommy Meghan in LosVegas |
Scoobie and Fantasia Son |
Scoobie & Joy puppy lives with Linda in TX |
Bella's first Birthday Party bella is 2-lbs 5oz |
This is a Margareta and Davie Puppy |
Noah lives happily with Cheryl in MN |
Noah and Pollyanna puppy |
Sarah with her new mom Mary i SD |
Sally and Frisky puppy |
Harley in his new home in NE with Stephanie |
Jassmine and Joshua son |
Vegus and Lexus happily at home with Michelle ID |
Diana & Shiloh Jr. male and Alex and Lewie female |
Paton Happy in his new home with Wayne in ND |
Alexandria and Lewie Male |
Benson has a wonderful home with Amee in WI |
Ju Lyn's Sweet Kandi and Joshua Male |
Demi Lives with Jenny in Texas |
Abigail and CH- Ziggy puppy |
Bentley in his new home with Jalyn in WI |
Alexandria and Lewie Puppy |
Milly happy in her new home with Vivienne in CA |
Janie and Lewie female |
Natalie's Odvious Intentions lives withTammy in NY |
Lewie and Crystal son Joshues full brother |
Mona lives with Tammy in NY |
She is a Heidi and Ziggy daughter |
Leo goes home with his new Mom Eileen to ND |
Lewie and Lulu male |
Gracie lives with Annette in CT |
Diana and Ziggy female |
Little Johnny Cash 1-lbs 13oz |
Lewie & Eveta Boys purchased by my friend Joann In MI |
Strutter&Jacob with there new daddy Allen in FL. |
Shelbie& Abraham male Stutter on left4-lbs 2oz and Joy& Scoobie male Jacob on right 2-lbs 10oz |
Gisi goes home to live in Atlanta with Nadine |
Joshua and Anastasia 1-lb 4oz at 6months |
Gracie now lives at Joann Hicks in MI |
Melony and Ju lyn's Fancy Strutter weight 4.8-lbs |
Michele and her new baby Boy |
CH-Ziggy and Abigail male |
Sugar and his new Mom You Na Rhee |
Joshua & Chloey puppy |
Abby - Salvation and Rosanna |
Purchased By Denise Sustek from Chicago |
Roxy - from Savana and Ju Lyn's Fancy Strutter |
Purchased By Joann Hicks of MI |
Purchased By Barb Forte of NY |
puppy on left is from Alison &Shylow puppy on right is Lewie & Donna |
Cassie - Lewie and Ragdoll puppy 1yrs old |
Purchased by Maynard and Donna in SD she is Sammie's sister |
Purchased By Jessica Montalvo of NJ |
Jasmine &Dundry |
ShoShana Rosanna Salvation female 9months old |
Win's Best of breed in Delaware show over a 2 yr old special |
Alberto and his Joshua Beauty puppy Toby |
Toby is 6 months old and weighs 2-lbs 10oz |
Toby 6months old and still 2-lbs 10oz |
Beauty Joshua Male |
Teddy - Son of my Abraham and Dynasty wins first place
at the 2007 Petco Fashion Show in California on Nov. 17th 2007 in his new home
Baley beau and Tammy female |
lives with Katherine in SC |
Rosie Rosanna and Salavtion pup |
went to Joann Hicks of MI |
Sir General Patten Alexandria Lewie pup |
Louisianna girl Western Wishes Scoobie doo pup |
Romeo Dundry forever More Catrina pup |
Angel Baby Carmel Candy Dundry puppy |
Spice & Lewie Puppy 2.8-lbs |
lives with Darlene in TX |
Natalie's Lil Blessing Rosanna as a pup |
AnnaBell and Billy a Buttercup Baron puppy |
Alexandria Lewie puppy with his new mommy Terry |
Peek a Boo with his new mommy Lewie Eveta puppy |
Ivy Rose Rosanna CH-Ziggy Pup |
Chloey and Lewie boy go's home with Amy |
Nemo Beauty Abraham puppy |
Wyatt Carmel Candy CH-Ziggy puppy |
Michael and Angela Valario's puppy |
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